Category — news

Jun 9, 2024

Hi! Long time no see uh? You thought the project was dead? Ok, the git history is very calm, but I would rather call it hibernation. Anyway, quite a l...


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Categories: news, devlogs

Mar 19, 2022

Hi. If you are impatient, don’t have the time, do not bother reading, whatever: go to the TL;DR. But you won’t understand why this post exists. Now le...



Categories: news

Feb 3, 2022

Hi! I make this quick post to let you know that I have to put aside Wav2Bar development from February to April. I may still do small bits of work here...



Categories: news

Jan 16, 2022

Hi! It has been a while since the last update, so here’s a recap of what happened development wise. I will also discuss someother topics regarding the...


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Categories: news, devlogs

Jan 26, 2021

Hi! I aim to release updates and changelogs for Wav2Bar on this blog page. The future will tell if it is successful or not… For now, here’s a visualiz...



Categories: news

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